Fernando Stefani, CIBION – Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias “Elizabeth Jares Erijman”/CONICET
Chairs: Liliana Cancela y Mario Guido
Argentina requiere mejorar drásticamente su política científico-tecnológica-
Organizer: Verónica de la Fuente / Moderators: Verónica de
la Fuente, Azul Silva, Santiago Ojea Ramos.
Invited PIs
(pre-recorded): Sheena Josselyn, Meaghan Creed, Lex Kravitz, Martín Giurfa.
Invited Postdocs (live): Esteban Beckwith, Daniela Di Bella,
Constanza Garcia Keller, Marcela Lipovsek, Gonzalo Piñero, Javier Zorrilla de
San Martín.
for post doc positions may vary depending on different factors. Generally
speaking, Postdoc interviews for positions abroad are markedly different from
interviews in our country. The proposal of this “e-social” is to talk
about different experiences in this matter. On the one hand, we will listen to
senior neuroscientists from renowned international institutions, who will talk
about the interviews they carry out with their applicants. On the other hand,
we will hear experiences of young argentinian scientists who are doing a
postdoc abroad or have recently completed a postdoctoral experience, that will
tell us about their paths to obtain their post-doc position, including the
interviews they had as applicants (how many per lab, how many labs, how they
prepared, etc.). Then we will have time for questions. Bring your beer and ask
all the questions you have in a friendly environment!
On September 1st, representatives from several countries of Latin America joined to sign the Montevideo Declaration of Intent, available at https://sociedadneurocienciasuy.com, in order to create the LATBrain, an alliance among academic societies, institutions, centers, and networks devoted to understand brain functions. This initiative is part of a global effort to collaborate in brain research, to generate new knowledge, to prevent and cure brain diseases, to develop neurotechnologies, and to help societies through finding solutions to Latin America biggest problems associated to brain research. The declaration received the support of FALAN, and several neuroscience Societies, Institutions, and Centers from Latin America. The signing participants agreed to work in their countries to communicate the initiative and invite other institutions to join to this effort. We expect that, from the day we signed the document to the day of FALAN2020 in Belen, each country will have a lot of information that will be presented in this special event. This will be also a great opportunity to present the LATBrain to everybody in the meeting and also promote, at the international level, the advances reached until that point.
Daniel Olazábal (Sociedad Uruguay de Neurociencias) & Elaine del Bel (FALAN).
We expect:
To agree and formalize the organization of the LATBrain.
To communicate this important initiative and its details to the Latin American and International neuroscience community
To know the different stages of development of neuroscience existing in each Latin American country.
To establish mechanism of cooperation and exchanges to develop Brain Sciences in Latin America
This initiative will be a hallmark in the development of Brain Sciences in Latin America and a great example of cooperation among our countries. This activity will show the audience a good idea of how the field of neuroscience is doing in Latin America and the opportunities and potential that our countries have to support the global effort to understand the brain.