
126 | Temporo-parietal aslant tract: Connections

Cognition, Behavior, and Memory

Author: Agostina Roggero | email: agostinaroggero@gmail.com

Agostina Roggero , Isadora Boing , Gimena Jurado , Ayrton  Bovier , Mariana Bendersky , Pablo Sebastián Paolinelli , Julian Cicler , Valentín Iglesias , Axel Omar Colombo

1° Laboratorio de Anatomía Viviente de la UBA (UBACyT) – III Cátedra de Anatomía – Facultad de Medicina – Universidad de Buenos Aires
2° Laboratorio 6 de Neuroanatomía – III Cátedra de Anatomía – Facultad de Medicina – Universidad de Buenos Aires

The temporo-parietal aslant tract (TPAT) connects the temporal lobe with the inferior parietal lobe and seems to be involved in language. This study aims to analyze these connections bringing functional and anatomic-surgical information of the TPAT. Methods: tractography was performed using DSI Studio in 20 3T magnetic resonance images of healthy males and females aged 22-35 years old chosen from the Human Connectome Project. Then 6 human cadavers hemispheres were tackled with Kingler’s white matter dissection method. Connections of the dorsal and ventral portions of TPATs were analyzed. Results: the left dorsal TPAT (ldTPAT) was found within the angular gyrus (ANg)(100%) and the medium temporal (MTg)(95%) and posterior inferior temporal gyri (PITg)(95%); the left ventral TPAT (lvTPAT) between the supramarginal gyrus (SMg)(100%) and the MTg (100%); the right dorsal TPAT (rdTPAT) among the ANg (100%) and the PITg (100%) and MTg (85%); the right ventral TPAP (rvTPAP) between the ANg (94.44%) and SMg (94.44%) and the MTg (100%) and PITg (61.11%), it was absent in 2 subjects. Fiber dissection evidenced: 1- Connection between the superior temporal gyrus and MTg with the SMg. 2- Connections linking the MTg and PITg with the ANg. Conclusions: the ldTPAT may be involved in semantic skills; the lvTPAT in word repetition and lexical-semantic comprehension; the rdTPAT and the rvTPAT in visuospatial and language comprehension, the rdTPAT also in visual semantic memory storage.

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