Fee Payment Terms


 SAN membership fees for 2023 are listed below: 

 Before August 21stAfter August 21st
Ph.D. & Postdoctoral Students$ 2.800 Argentine pesos$ 3.300 Argentine pesos
 Researchers$ 5.100 Argentine pesos$ 6.000 Argentine pesos

Those SAN members who cannot afford the payment of these fees may request an exception to payment by means of a letter to the SAN Executive Committee stating the reasons for the request. In the case of fellowship holders, this letter must be endorsed by the director of the fellowship.

SAN 2023 membership fee can be paid at the same time as payment for SAN2023 Meeting registration. Members with pending dues may enquire about the current moratorium by emailing us at: saneurociencias@gmail.com

Payment of the annual fee either by deposit or transfer can be made through the following bank account:

Banco Francés
Asoc. Civil Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias
CUIT: 30677791418
Current Account in Argentine Pesos 352-302091/7
CBU: 0170352620000030209172

IMPORTANT: Make sure that your payment has been fully received by emailing your proof of payment at saneurociencias@gmail.com, indicating: your name and surname, the fee you are paying, and the name of the person to whom payment receipt should be issued. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, please email us again for confirmation of your payment.

We take this opportunity to remind you that in order to be entitled to SAN Congress discounts and fellowships, your dues must be up-to-date. We will contact those members who are not up-to-date in their dues to help them regularize their situation with the SAN.