E-Posters - FAQs


The Organizing Commitee has decided to extend our submission deadline to September 17th. Presenting authors may upload or edit their submission up to 23:59 on September 17th.

Note: Please note that this deadline is for uploading e-poster to the SAN2020 website. You may upload your poster to your Slack channel at any point during the congress.


Poster Session Format:


  • The presenting author will be assigned to a timeslot during which they will present their work live in a videoconference platform of their choosing.
  • All sessions are held in a Zoom, Google Meet or Jitsi virtual meeting room provided by the presenting author. The presenting author will be available at their virtual meeting room the whole duration of their session. Additionally, each poster has a dedicated Slack Channel where discussion can take place asynchronously in this messaging platform.
  • Attendees can visit the e-Poster site, where the posters are listed with links to PDF versions of the poster, the Slack Channel and the virtual meeting room for each poster. 
  • Starting October 1st, every attendee will be able to browse the full posters files either on Slack or the SAN2020 website.


  • I’m a presenting author. When and how should I upload my poster?

Posters should be uploaded to the SAN webpage before September 15th. Instructions on how to upload your poster were sent with your acceptance email, and can also be found here.


  • In what size and format should I upload my poster?

Posters should be uploaded as a single PDF file. The maximum file size that the system will accept is 30MB. Minimum recommended size is 800px width and 1400px height (or 21.16 cm  width and 37.04 cm height). Keep in mind that posters that are too big are not easy to browse, and posters that are too small will lose quality when zoomed in.


  • What is Slack? Why is it being used?

Slack is a messaging platform that can be used from your browser or downloaded as a separate app. Using this application we aim to gather all participants in one place to foster discussion and interaction.


  • How do I access Slack?

Presenting authors have already received their Slack invitation. If you can’t find yours, please send and email to san2020slack@gmail.com.


  • How do I use Slack? How do I know the specific Slack channel of a poster?

You can find a Slack tutorial here. Links for each channel can be found here. Channel links will also be available on the e-Poster site once it’s up.


  • What should I upload on my Slack channel?

We recommend you to upload your poster. We also strongly recommend uploading a short video or audio where you explain your poster so it can be accessed asynchronously. Keep in mind that in your Slack channel you can upload and take down your material whenever you want.


  • How do I record a short video presentation of my poster?

If you chose to record and upload a short video presentation to your Slack Channel, you can find instructions on how to do it here.


  • For how long will my poster be available for attendees?

If you accept, your poster will be on the congress site for one week after the congress ends. During that time attendees and presenting authors are encouraged to interact via the Slack Channel. If you don’t want to, your poster will be taken down when the congress ends.