

  Registration Fees
NEW Early Bird
8/1 to 8/19
8/20 to 9/25
9/26 to 10/5


PhD Student** AR$ 500 AR$ 750 AR$ 1000
Postdoc** AR$ 500 AR$ 750 AR$ 1000
Investigator AR$ 1000 AR$ 1500 AR$ 2000

Non Member Resident

PhD Stdent AR$ 1000 AR$ 1500 AR$ 2000
Postdoc AR$ 2000 AR$ 3000 AR$ 4000
Investigator AR$ 3000 AR$ 4500 AR$ 6000

Non Member Non Resident

PhD Stdent US$30 US$45 US$60
Postdoc US$40 US$60 US$80
Investigator US$50 US$75 US$100
Undergraduate Student *** free free free

* Members of Neuroscience Societies included FALAN will enjoy this benefit. They must present appropriate member’s certification at the time of registration.

** PhD, Master and Postdoctoral Students who are SAN members and first authors in a poster will be exempt from paying the registration fee (only if they are “in good standing” with the annual membership fee).

*** Undergraduate students must demonstrate they are part of a research group by presenting, upon registration, a letter signed by the lab Director who must be a SAN member or sister societies member (FALAN). Alternatively, the student can present a letter expressing the interest in meeting participation and a certificate that verifies the student status.

Important dates for abstract submission:
Opening of the abstract submission : August 1 
Abstract submission is closed.

Congress registration fees: 
Resident attendees should pay by bank transfer and non resident attendees should pay using Eventbrite (link provided during the registration process).

Bank Details (Resident ONLY)
Banco Francés
Asoc. Civil Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias
CUIT: 30677791418
Cuenta corriente en pesos 352-302091/7
CBU: 0170352620000030209172


Registration & abstract submission guidelines:
Abstracts should be submitted through the registration online form (Pink button “Register here”), in English and the word limit is 1500 characters including spaces.

At the end of the online form, the poster presenter will have to decide if agrees to include the abstract in the special issue of the ASN Neuro Journal, which is the official journal from the American Society for Neurochemistry. Clicking YES means that the abstract will be “reviewed and published”.

PhD, Master and Postdocs Students who are both SAN members and first authors of posters or short talks will receive a complete waiver for the registration fees. 

Each participant, attendee, poster presenter or speaker, will receive two automatic emails  from the Organizing Committee. The first email will be received immediately after filling in the online registration form and will display the uploaded information (personal information, abstract, etc). The second email will be received afterwards, and will confirm the payment reception and/or the poster acceptance. Moreover, it will include tutorials for preparing the different types of sessions (LIVE post sessions, webcasts, etc.) and an invitation to join the meeting Slack URL, which will be used for chatting. Importantly, this second email will also contain a link to activate each user’s login account to the meeting, that eventually will allow the following:

Before the meeting:

  1. -to upload the PDF of the E-poster (mandatory) and webcast (optional) – (POSTER PRESENTERS)
  2. -to provide links for the live poster session (Zoom, jitsi, etc.)  –  (POSTER PRESENTERS)
  3. -to modify the submitted abstract – (SPEAKERS)
  4. -to update the personal profile – (EVERYONE)
  5. -to access all the poster presentations in advance, one week prior to the meeting starting date- (EVERYONE)

During the meeting:

  1. -to login and navigate into the virtual congress – (EVERYONE)

Poster presentations (PDF / webcast) will be available one week before SAN2020 starting date. This format has shown to be successful in other International Congresses virtually held too, as it allows a better guidance on which posters to visit during live sessions. However, we are aware that this format brings up challenges as well. In this situation, we want to emphasize and highlight that the spirit of the SAN annual meeting has always been to promote the scientific growth of students. Thus, we strongly encourage all the attendees to actively participate in the posters LIVE sessions. We are convinced that poster session is, and has always been, one of the most enriching moments of our annual meetings.