General Information:

The format of the SAN2020 poster session was deliberately chosen with the objective of maximizing interaction among attendees. It entails synchronous and asynchronous components. The synchronous session will follow a format similar to in-person conferences. The presenting author will be assigned to a timeslot during which they will present their work live in a videoconference platform of their choosing. Attendees can join the live sessions of the posters they are interested in, and interact with the authors. For the asynchronous part, we will be using the messaging platform Slack. Using this application we aim to gather all participants in one place to foster discussion and interaction. Starting October 1st, every attendee will be able to browse the full posters files either on Slack or the SAN2020 website. Every author will have a personal Slack channel dedicated to their poster, where attendees can make comments or ask questions. You will soon receive an email inviting you to join the SAN2020 Slack workplace (please check your spam folder).

To complete your poster submission:

1.- You will be asked to:

  • Upload a personal photo or an institutional logo to your profile.
  • Provide a Zoom, Jitsi or Google Meet link for the whole live e-poster session in the slot that you were assigned to (see above). For more information check the section Live e-poster session in the tutorial guide.
  • Upload your poster in PDF format, file size not larger than 30 MB,  at least 800 pixels wide and 1400 pixels long, keeping this proportion. For more information check the Eposter section in the tutorial guide.
  • Upload the Slack link to your poster channel. Please find yourself in this list and upload the link corresponding to your channel in the form. For more information check the section Slack e-poster session in the tutorial guide.

2.- Once you are ready to continue, the next step is activate your profile.
Important note: to activate your profileyou should click in the link below. In the webpage that will open, you will see the username and password you defined at the registration online form. You will need them for uploading the files and links requested above, editing them and eventually participating at the meeting. Thus, please, save your username and password properly.

3.-Please find the active profile instructions in the email your receive (“E-poster acceptance and instructions”)

4.- REMEMBER TO complete your poster submission BEFORE SEPTEMBER 15th

Due to the large number of applications we received for Oral Communications, the results of the selection will be available on August 29. Selected applicants may choose to submit posters in addition to the oral communication. The presentation can be either in Spanish or English.

In this guide you will find instructions for recording your presentation. We explain one method of assisted recording and two methods of self-recording. The first method shown, recording using Zoom + your presentation software is usually the easiest and yields the best results. 

>> Download the Recording Guide here