28 de abril de 2017

9 th LASBRA INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE: “Neurobiological basis of alcoholism: from molecules to behavior”

Latin American Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (LASBRA)

A Satellite of the Annual meeting of the Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile (SOFARCHI)

Puerto Varas, Chile

November 20-22, 2017

Dear colleagues and researchers: We are very pleased to send you information about the 9 th Latin American Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (LASBRA) scientific meeting. The event entitled “Neurobiological basis of alcoholism: from molecules to behavior”) is a satellite that will take place before the regular meeting of the Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile (SOFARCHI)”, and will be held in the city of Pto. Varas, Chile, on November 20th , 21st and 22nd, 2017.

This document contains relevant information for registration, instructions for abstract submission and application for fellowships.

  • Registration form (see WEB form) and Instructions for abstract submission and poster presentation
  • Application for fellowship form (Students only)
  • Meeting Program
  • WEB site for SOFARCHI (http://www.sofarchi.cl/congresos/2017).

We look forward to your participation in this Meeting.

The Organizing Committee, Luis G. Aguayo, Ph.D. (Chile), Ricardo Pautassi, Ph.D. (Argentina), Rosana Camarini, Ph.D. (Brazil)


April, 2017.

Download: First call to Lasbra-2017 Meeting_20_4_2017

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