13 de abril de 2014












Course  “New mechanisms of neuro-glial interaction:

their contribution to nervous system development and repair”


September 29-October 3, 2014 – Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina.




Monday September 29th: Course DAY 1                                                                            .                                                                                 


8:00-9:00        Registration


9:00-9:30        Welcome words by the ISN small conference organizers


9:30-10:15      Description of the general organization of the course and initial orientation for the                               Project-writing workshop for students


10:15-11:45    Lecture I: Gabriel Corfas, Children´s Hospital, Boston, USA. “Glia and the  formation/plasticity of neural circuits


11:45-12:45    Coffee Break and poster viewing I


13:00-14:30    Lunch


14:30-16:00    Lecture II: Flavia Gomes, UFRJ, Brazil. “Astrocytes: key function in the balance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs

16:00-16:30    Coffee Break and poster viewing II


16:30-18:00    Lecture III: Luis Barbeito, Institut Pasteur, Montevideo, Uruguay.                                                                        “Characterization of astrocytes phenotypes modulating disease progression in inherited                     ALS


18:00-20:30    Group activity meeting I: Project writing workshop for students. Each student group will                       be coordinated by a speaker or organizer.


21:00               Dinner





Tuesday September 30th: Course DAY 2                                                                            .


7:30-8:30        Breakfast


8:30-10:00      Lecture IV: Vladimir Parpura, UAB, USA. Tripartite synapse: new glial roles


10:30-11:00    Coffee Break and poster viewing III


11.00-12:30    Lecture V: Fernando Pitossi, Inst. Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Functional role of microglial cells in Parkinson´s Disease


13:00-14:30    Lunch


14:30-16:30    Lecture VI. Felipe Court, PUC, Chile. “The role of Schwann cells in degenerative and regenerative axonal programs


16:30-17:00    Coffee Break and poster viewing IV


17:00-18:30    Project writing workshop meeting II.


18:30-20:30    Project writing workshop meeting: Student presentations.


20:30-21:30    Round table and final conclusions of the ISN symposium


21:30               Dinner



Wednesday October 1st: SAN MEETING DAY 1                                                                           .


09:00   Registration


10:00   Welcome by Organizers

10:10               Symposium I “The Good and the Bad of Neurotrophins”

                        Chair: Laura Montroull, Instituto   de   Investigaciones   Biológicas   y

                        Tecnológicas,   UNC-CONICET

Philip  Barker,  Montreal  Neurological  Institute  –  McGill  University

Wilma   Friedman,   Department   of   Biological   Sciences   –   RUTGERS                                  University. Newark, NJ, EEUU.

Francisca  Bronfman,  Departamento  de  Fisiología,  Facultad  de  Ciencias                              Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Daniel  Mascó,  Instituto  de  Investigaciones  Biológicas  y  Tecnológicas,

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba-CONICET


12:40               Lunch


14:30                          Short talks selected from poster abstracts (two parallel sessions in Rooms A & B)


16:30-19:15    Poster session I, Networking & Coffee break


19:15-20:15    Eduardo de Robertis Conference: Bernardo Sabatini, Neurobiology Department, Harvard                 Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


20:15-20:45    Sten Grillner, IBRO Secretary-General, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SWEDEN

                                   IBRO Mission, IBRO Brazil 2015


21:00               Dinner

            Dinner activity: eat with the big shots I !

Students and postdocs can sign up to share the table with lecturers and symposia          speakers


23:00               Teatro Científico Trashumante: “Hormigas al Poder”

                        Jóvenes Investigadores en Neurociencias (JINES), Córdoba



Thursday October 3rd: SAN MEETING DAY 2                                                                               


09:00               Symposium II: Adult Neurogenesis and Repair in the CNS: A Functional Perspective

                        Chair: Alejandro Schinder, Fundación Instituto Leloir

Alejandro Schinder, Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina. “Introduction to adult             neurogenesis”

Pierre Marie Lledo, Laboratory of Perception and Memory, Institut Pasteur, France. “Neurogenesis in the adult olfactory bulb”

Hongjun Song, Institute for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of           Medicine, Baltimore, USA. “Neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus”

Pierre Vanderhaeghen, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research IRIBHM, Belgium. “Pyramidal neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells integrate efficiently into mouse brain circuits in vivo”



11:30               Coffee break


12:00-12.30    SAN Award to the Best Doctoral Thesis in Neuroscience 2013Chair:

13:00               Lunch


15:00-17:30    Poster Session & Networking II


17:30-18:30    Sten Grillner, IBRO Secretary-General, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SWEDEN

“Networks in Motion – from ion channels to behaviour”



18:30-20:30    Young Investigator Symposium (15-min talks from senior postdocs and junior group                          leaders)


20:30               Dinner

            Dinner activity: eat with the big shots II!


22:00               SAN Business Meeting





Friday October 4th: SAN MEETING DAY 3                                                                          .


9:00-11:30      Symposium II: Ion channels from development to behavior

                        Chair: Nara Muraro, Fundación Instituto Leloir

Richard Baines, University of Manchester, UK

David Schulz, University of Missouri, USA

Diego Rayes, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca, Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Nara I. Muraro, Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina


11.30               Coffee break


12:00               Ranwel Caputto Plenary Lecture Chair: 


13:00               Closing remarks by organizers and farewell barbecue


16:00               Meeting adjourns

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