9 de enero de 2019

NeuroFrance 2019 – Support for South American Researchers

The French Neuroscience Society offers support to young South American researchers in order to attend NeuroFrance 2019 in Marseille, in May 2019, and to visit French laboratories to search for a post-doctoral position in France.
The candidates must currently live in Argentina, Brazil, Chile or Uruguay. They must be advanced students in their last year of their PhD program or young non-tenured researchers having obtained their PhD degree in the field of Neuroscience, in the past two years.
Prior to their arrival in France, the applicants are requested to contact at least two French laboratories and set up visiting appointments. The financial support will be contingent upon proof of attendance of the meeting and confirmation of visit appointments in French laboratories.
The following documents must be provided (please use pdf files):
– A curriculum vitae in English (or French) which should include: the research interests, the provisional or effective year of defense and title of the thesis, publications, congresses /workshops / oral or poster presentations, prizes and grants received as well as current position
– A personal motivation letter and a supervisor recommendation letter
– A copy of the invitation letters and/or confirmation of visiting appointments by French laboratories.

Click here to submit your application

Deadline for application: February 28, 2019.

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