21 de mayo de 2021


Dear Members and Friends of the Neurotoxicity Society,

We have informed you already that we had to cancel our general 2021 NTS meeting. However, because the Society should continue demonstrating its vitality, we are organizing a virtual meeting for Thursday and Friday, June 17& 18, 2021, for a maximum of three hours each day.

1) The primary goal of this meeting: to provide a venue for trainees of NTS members, supporters, and prior participants in NTS meetings, to present their research and receive input from senior investigators. The meeting will be free—however, all participants are required to register.

2) The actual number of presentations will be limited each day to allow for constructive interchange. Thus, we are asking you to sponsor an abstract submission from one of your more senior graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows.

3) Abstract deadline is May 20, 2021 with notification of acceptance provided by May 25th.

4) The plans are for the presenters to submit a video presentation providing the relevant background information. This will be provided to all registered participants one week prior to the meeting, allowing for the actual meeting presentation to be limited to 3-4 slides on data and future experiments. The majority of the presentation time will be dedicated to discussion of the project being presented.

5) Estimated time for each presenter is approximately 15 min. The trainee’s mentor will provide a brief introduction. Discussants will be identified for each project as selected from junior and senior NTS faculty, but all attendees will be encouraged to participate. Details can be found on the NTS Website https://www.neurotoxicitysociety.org. We are asking for your support of this effort to provide our trainees the opportunity to discuss their work and ideas in this time of limited scientific colleague interaction. If you have a trainee who you feel would benefit from such interaction, please have them submit an abstract with a supporting statement from you as their advisor/sponsor. This can be accomplished either via the website or with a direct e-mail. If you would be interested in participating as a “mentor” for this activity or know of a junior faculty member who would be interested, please contact us directly. The NTS will offer you a free membership for 2021-2022 for active participation. The NTS Council May 2021


NTS virtual meeting-2

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