We are delighted to announce that 37th Microelectrode, Patch Clamp and Optical Techniques for Cell Physiology Workshop is being held as a free online lecture series over two weeks in September – and we are now open for student registration! Please circulate through your networks, to colleagues and students, asking them to head over to our brand new, dedicated website to register: http://plymouthworkshop.org/
We will be using Zoom accompanied by a learning platform named Googleclassrooms which will contain resources, recorded demonstrations, timetable and live lecture links, discussion areas and breakout rooms. The lectures will be given over two weeks during afternoons (2-5pm UK time) from 01 September, and we intend to provide pre-reading or small assignments some mornings in preparation for the afternoon talks, to help students engage and make the most of the topic.
Please note although the registration deadline is 15 August there may be some flexibility with late registrations.
For any queries, please contact the MBA team: Events@mba.ac.uk