15 de marzo de 2015

Brain Awareness Week’s 20th Anniversary, March 16-22

To All Brain Awareness Week Campaign Partners:We’re just a week away from the 20th anniversary celebration of Brain Awareness Week, March 16-22!To mark the occasion, the Dana Foundation has produced a wonderful video that looks back on BAW’s 20 years of education and outreach about the brain. The video features many of the photographs you’ve shared with us over the years, from BAW events around the globe.We could not have reached this milestone without the support of partners like you, so we thank you for your continued participation in the campaign. Please visit the Dana Foundation’s YouTube Channel to watch the video.

As you celebrate BAW in your communities, we invite you to Take 20 Seconds for the 20th Anniversary: Using your cellphone or other mobile device, take a 20 second video capturing highlights from your 2015 events, and post it directly on the Brain Awareness Week Facebook page. Please use the hastags #20forBAW20 and #brainweek in your post, following this format: “Here’s #20forBAW20 for #brainweek 2015 from [your organization’s name].” We’ve already posted two videos from our NYC Regional Brain Bee Competition, so be sure to check them out. We hope you’ll have as much fun putting together your videos as we did!

We wish you great success with your BAW 2015 celebrations!

Kathleen M. Roina
Director, Brain Awareness Campaign

Simon Fischweicher
Campaign Coordinator

Brain Awareness Week LogoBrain Awareness Week Campaign Headquarters
The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives
505 Fifth Avenue, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10017
tel: 212 401-1689
fax: 212-593-7623
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