The Latin American Training Program is a comprehensive, yearlong online program that provides a unique training opportunity for young investigators from across Latin America and the Caribbean.
SfN is pleased to offer the fourth year of the program consisting of webinars, recorded content, and online discussions which incorporate cutting edge science and professional development topics. Support for LATP is provided by The Grass Foundation, the Latin American Regional Committee of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), US/Canada Regional Committee (US/CRC) of IBRO, and the selected host institution.
Fifteen selected trainees from the program will also participate in a three-week course from March 20 – April 7, 2017 at the Universidad de Valle in Cali, Colombia. The course topic is, “Signal processing: from single molecules to brain circuits.” The course will bring together top faculty from across the region and the world to provide participants with high-quality lectures, lab exercises, and training on vital professional development topics.
View the course preliminary program here.
The PROLAB program seeks to foster scientific collaboration and development of human resources among Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience research groups. It uses the neuroscience scientific network of the region and provides economic support to joint research projects.