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Detection of difficulties of children in reading task using processing speed.

Karina Viviana Rodriguez

  • Bahía Blanca,
  • Argentina
  • Karina Viviana Rodriguez ¹
  • , Francisco Iaconis ²
  • , Gustavo Gasaneo ¹
  • , Alejandra Mendivelzua ³
  • , Laura García Blanco ³
  • , Manuela Sanchez ³
  • 1 Departamento de Física UNS - IFISUR, Bahía Blanca - Centro Integral de Neurociencias Aplicadas, Bahía Blanca.
  • 2 Departamento de Física UNS - IFISUR, Bahía Blanca.
  • 3 Laboratorio Especializado en Aprendizaje y Neurociencias, Buenos Aires.

There are not specific regions of the human brain specialized on the reading task, but language and visual regions interact to make possible this fundamental activity for academics just as for daily life. Reading ability is generally achieved between the five and seven years old and, it is generally, a difficult task. There is a percentage of the children population for which reading is even a much more difficult task [1]. In this presentation we want to explore a possible method to identify and quantify the reading difficulty.
Having in mind the idea of evaluating difficulty while reading, we performed a study where neurotypical and dyslexic children eye movements were registered while they were reading, on a monitor, a short text designed for their age. The signal obtained was processed using tools developed under python with the purpose of obtaining physical magnitudes that can be associated then with processing speed and visual search speed. The study of these neuropsychological constructs in the complete text, in every line and finally in each word permitted us to find the aspects which represent the degree of difficulty for each group also for each subject.

[1] Asociación, AP. Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de trastornos mentales, Estados Unidos (2013).