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Testing neural models with the appropriate species

Javier Nahuel Lassa Ortiz

  • CABA,
  • Argentina
  • Javier N. Lassa Ortiz ¹
  • , Cecilia T. Herbert ¹
  • , Santiago Boari ¹
  • , Gabriel B. Mindlin ¹
  • , Ana Amador ¹
  • 1 Physics Department, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Buenos Aires and IFIBA, CONICET

The nervous system representation of a motor program is an open problem for most behaviors. In birdsong production, it has been proposed that some special temporal instances, linked to significant aspects of the motor gestures used to generate the song, are preferentially represented in the cortex. In this work, we compute these temporal instances for two species, and report which of them is better suited to test the proposed coding (as well as alternative models) against data. Moreover, we present a neural additive model that shows that this sparse representation in the cortex is enough to generate a complex motor output.