1 de enero de 2015

Curso Satélite – SAN 2015

“State-of-the-art methods in Neuroscience Research”

 27 – 29 September 2015

Hotel 13 de Julio, Mar del Plata


 During the last years several new tools have been developed that made possible to  dissect specific circuit players of precise animal behaviours. This lecture course is designed to provide PhD students and postdocs in neuroscience with a conceptual understanding of the techniques to study the connectivity and function of specific neuronal subtypes. The course will be divided into three main topics:

  • The use of viruses to target specific neuronal subtypes: an up-to-date explanation of trans-synaptic viruses that allow for the identification of presynaptic circuits, retrograde viruses that target neuronal subpopulations according to their projection pattern, and intersectional approaches that combine Cre and Flip recombination through transgenic lines and/or virus delivery to dissect neuronal subclasses. Many of these strategies can be use not only to map the connectivity but also to manipulate the activity of neuronal subpopulations.
  • Selective manipulation of neuronal activity in vivo: expression of light-sensitive channels or engineered receptors to depolarize or inhibit neurons through the delivery of light (optogenetics) or drugs (pharmacogenetics).
  • Strategies to record neuronal activity in vivo: calcium imaging in superficial or deep structures using miniaturized microscopes, voltage-sensitive dyes to record neuronal firing activity, and single unit extracellular recordings of specific neuronal subpopulations identified by their response to light.

The course will be organized in lectures to present the theoretical aspects of each topic, followed by paper reading and discussion to illustrate the use of those methods and round tables to promote the implementation of these tools to the student’s own research.


Organising committee:

María Sol Fustiñana, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.

María Soledad Espósito, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.

Joaquín Piriz, IFIBIO Houssay, CONICET – Universidad de Buenos Aires

Lorena Rela, IFIBIO Houssay, CONICET – Universidad de Buenos Aires



Day 1: 27/09/2015

18:00-19:00  Registration

19:15-19:30  Welcome words by course organizers

19:30-21:00  Lecture I: “Mapping neuronal networks with viral tools”

Dr. María Soledad Espósito

21:00  Dinner


Day 2: 28/09/2015

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

09:00-10:30    Group activity meeting – paper discussion

10:30-11:00   Coffee Break

11:00-12:30   Lecture II: “Behavioral manipulation with pharmacogenetic tools”

Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Dietrich

12:30 -14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30   Lecture III:  “Extracellular recordings of light identified neurons and behavioral manipulations using optogenetic approaches”

Dr. Cyrril Herry

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30   Group activity meeting – paper discussion

17:30-19:00   Lecture IV: “ Head fixed two photon imaging of behaving animals”

Dr. Johannes Letzkus

20:00-21:00   Dinner

21:00-23:00 Poster presentation and refreshments


Day 3: 29/09/2015

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

09:00-10:30    Lecture V: “Miniscope imaging of freely moving behaving animals”

Dr. Mark Schnitzer

10:30-11:00   Coffee Break

11:00-12:30   Group activity meeting – paper discussion

12:30 -14:00   Lunch

14:00-16:30   Round table and closing remarks



Para más información sobre el SAN 2015, aquí

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