22 de abril de 2019


NEW deadline for the Early-Bird Registration & Abstract Submission for the 10th IBRO World Congress has been extended!

New deadline: 15 May.

Young Investigator Training Programme
The Young Investigator Training Program offers young investigators the opportunity to stay in Korean neuroscience laboratories for 5 days before attending the 10th IBRO World Congress taking place in Daegu, South Korea.
Application Deadline: 30 January

IBRO Travel Grants
IBRO is offering travel grants to high-quality neuroscientists from diverse geographic and scientific areas who wish to attend the 10th IBRO World Congress taking place in Daegu, South Korea.
Application deadline: 8 February

Side Meetings/Workshops
Participants who wish to host a side meeting or a workshop are encouraged to invited to submit your application as early as possible considering the number of rooms is limited. Please note that all side meeting/workshop participants should also be registered.
Deadline: 28 February

Exhibitor Application
Maximize the great opportunities at this quadrennial IBRO World Congress meeting! Build professional networks with thousands of current and future customers by exhibiting with us in 2019.
Deadline: 28 February

FENS Travel Grants for FENS members
FENS is offering 10 travel grants for the FENS members attending the 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (21 – 25 September 2019) in Daegu, South Korea. Travel grants amount to 2,000 EUR.
Deadline: 1 March

SfN Travel Grants for SfN members
SfN is offering up to 15 travel awards in the amount of 2,000 USD each to support the participation of U.S., Canadian and Mexican graduate student SfN members who have advanced to candidacy for a PhD or postdoctoral fellows at the IBRO World Congress.
Deadline: 11 March

Early Bird Registration
Thanks to the financial support from the Korean Government, the IBRO 2019 Local Organising Committee has been able to offer discounted rates for registration fees for all attending delegates.
Deadline: 14 April

Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be written in English and limited up to a maximum of 300 words. Please note that registration including completing the payment process should be made prior to abstract submission. For full details please click on the Abstract Submission link above.
Deadline: 14 April

Sponsorship Opportunities
Advertisement, branding and networking opportunities are available as well as sponsorship packages in support of the 10th IBRO World Congress.
Deadline 31 May

Satellite Meetings
Satellite meetings will be held before or after the IBRO 2019 World Congress, 21 – 25 September, 2019. For those who are interested in organizing the events, please send the application form to: info.ibro2019@gmail.com. Regarding facility reservation, please check the details in “meeting facilities information” and contact them directly.
Open deadline subject to availability

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