7 de enero de 2019

Pew Latin American Fellows – Information Session

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program provides support for recent Ph.D. graduates from all Latin American countries to conduct postdoctoral training in top biomedical laboratories in the United States.  The program aims to strengthen the scientific community in Latin America and to promote collaborative exchange between U.S. and Latin America scientists.   Each award provides a $30,000 annual salary stipend for two years of study in the United States. Awardees who return to Latin America and establish independent labs receive additional $70,000 grant to purchase equipment and supplies.

This year, Biomedical Programs Pew staff will host an informational webinar for interested potential applicants so that they may learn more about the program in advance of the 2019 application cycle, which will open in July 2019. We highly encourage you to register for this event, even if you are unsure that you will apply.

Topics covered will include:

  • Overview of the Pew Charitable Trusts Mission and Current Work
  • Funding Opportunity Details
  • Program Eligibility Criteria
  • Examples of funded work
  • Application Process Overview and Timeline
  • How to find a sponsor lab in the US

There will also be a Q&A session for clarification of any additional questions you may have.

A complete description of the program, its terms, and its eligibility requirements can be found at https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/projects/pew-latin-american-fellows/program-details

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. EST. In order to register for this event, please fill out the form HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact Sara Strickland at fellowsapp@pewtrusts.org.

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