10 de mayo de 2019

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions – University of Texas Health Center, USA

This posting is to fill 1-2 open post-doctoral positions in the laboratory of Mark S. Shapiro, Ph.D. in the Department of Cell and Integrative Physiology at the University of Texas Health Center in San Antonio, TX, USA. We study the physiology, regulation and functional role of a variety of ion channels in neurons and other excitable cells, using a range of cutting-edge molecular, cellular and integrative approaches. We are supported by NIH R01 and DoD awards to study the roles of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs), lipid signaling molecules and calmodulin in regulation of a variety of ion channels in the nervous system, using patch-clamp of dissociated neurons and tissue culture cells heterologously expressing ion channels, receptors and signaling proteins, and in brain-slice, biochemistry and structural biology, TIRF and confocal microscopy and STORM super-resolution nanoscopy. A variety of transgenic technologies are used. We also use methods of structural biology and biophysical chemical analysis, including X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. In my group, we are also studying the roles of various ion channels in neurons of the brain as a neuroprotective mechanism against brain damage induced by stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and epileptic seizures. We also have projects in addiction involving dopaminergic neurons of mid-brain, and ion channels in B-cell lymphoma. Thus, the post-doctoral fellow may study neurons using electrophysiology, immunochemistry, genetic techniques, cutting-edge imaging approaches, and behavioral assays. We are very physiological and quantitative in approach, yet with strong translational relevance and potential. Some experience in preferred, but the candidate can learn patchclamp methods and innovative imaging (deep brain to single-cell to single-molecule) techniques, in conjunction with molecular and live-animal behavioral approaches. Of immediate need are fellows to work in a newly funded project on innovative approaches to preventing pain, funded by the NIH HEAL initiative. This project will use innovate small-molecule delivery systems, patch-clamp of sensory neurons, super-resolution STORM microscopy, and behavioral assays. Post-doctoral fellows in my lab at UTHCSA benefit from a number of grant-writing and career-building workshops given by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, which have proven extremely valuable as the postdoctoral fellows progress to independence. Post-docs in my lab who are American citizens or permanent residents are also eligible to apply for one of our T32 training-grant slots at this institution, and will be encouraged to submit F32 applications. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D. in a relevant discipline. To apply, please email Dr. Shapiro with your CV and statement of research and career goals at shapirom@uthscsa.edu. UTHSCSA is a leading academic research university, and the Department of Cell and Integrative Physiology in the School of Medicine contains a vibrant mix of neuroscientists, cellular/molecular physiologists and integrative systems scientists who interact often and well. The Shapiro lab is in the South Texas Research Facility complex at UTHCSA, which contains an interdepartmental and collaborative group of funded and productive neuroscientists. San Antonio is a vibrant and multi-cultural city with many attractions, and offers a very affordable cost of living for a postdoctoral fellow. Salary is commensurate with the NIH scale. We seek highly-motivated and hard-working candidates with strong scholarly outlook, and a keen desire to perform cutting-edge biomedical research. A background in neurophysiology, mammalian models and ion channel physiology/pharmacology is highly preferred, but all candidates will be considered.

All postdoctoral appointments are designated as security sensitive positions.

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, including protected veterans and persons with disabilities

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