5 de julio de 2019

Postdoctoral position in the SPPIN, Paris

We are offering a postdoctoral position in the context of a collaborative grant funded by  the French national Agency of Research (ANR)and the NINDS Brain Initiative project. This project aims to decipher how information processing by the interneurons of the cerebellar cortex depends on the reward context of a motor task. The postdoctoral work will focus on examining and manipulating the activity of GABA-releasing neurons of the cerebellar cortex in mice performing behaviors with different reward contents. The work will involve 2 photon calcium imaging and optogenetic manipulations in behaving mice. It will be carried out mainly in the SPPIN (Saints Peres Paris Institute for Neurosciences) under the direction of Isabel Llano and it will involve a close collaboration with Diego Restrepo and Emily Gibson (University* of* Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus) whose laboratory has implemented a fiber-coupled two photon microscope system amenable to use in freely moving mice. To this effect, the postdoctoral work would include several periods of experimental work in the CU Anschutz laboratory. Additionally, the fellow will have close contact with the other partner of the ANR grant, Laure Rondi-Reig, whose Parisian laboratory has extensive expertise with behavioral studies of cerebellar function. We believe that the links established between these 3 research teams allow us to offer the postdoctoral fellow a truly dynamic, enriching and productive research experience. Fellows in the process of finishing their PhD thesis or their first post-doctoral work are welcome to contact Isabel Llano (isabel.llano@parisdescartes.fr ). Expertise with in vivo surgical procedures and/or calcium imaging is a plus, but we will be attentive mostly to a high level of motivation and commitment to research.


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