4 de marzo de 2021

Request for Applications due March 30th: Essential Open Source Software for Science

Request for Applications due March 30th: Essential Open Source Software
for Science.

CZI Science Logo


Essential Open Source Software for Science

Applications Due:

March 30, 2021 by 5 p.m. Pacific Time

Apply Now

Open source software is critical to modern scientific research, advancing biology and medicine while providing reproducibility and
transparency. Hundreds of software packages, libraries, and applications have become essential tools for research—so much so that many
researchers could not continue their work without them.

Essential Open Source Software for Science

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) seeks letters of intent
) to apply for funding for software projects that are essential to biomedical research. We are looking to fund projects that have already
demonstrated impact, can show potential for continued improvement, and expect to deliver added value to the biomedical research community.

Applicants can request funding between $50k and $200k total costs per year for two years for a total amount between $100k and $400k for the
duration of the grant. See a list of grants we’ve previously awarded
) or apply for this RFA
) .

Please note that previous cycles of the Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS) RFA required a full proposal at the time of
application; this cycle will be a two step process: an initial Letter of Intent (LOI), followed by invitations to a select number of applicants
to submit a Full Application.

Questions? Email sciencegrants@chanzuckerberg.com
(mailto:sciencegrants@chanzuckerberg.com) .

Applications Due

March 30, 2021 by 5 p.m. Pacific Time

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