12 de febrero de 2016

Submit a Proposal to Host the Next Latin American Training Program

SfN, with the generous support of The Grass Foundation, and the International Brain Research Organization’s (IBRO) Latin American Regional Committee and US/Canada Regional Committee partner with each host institution to build a program to enhance scientific and professional development training for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows across Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Latin American Training Program and the former Ricardo Miledi program have produced prestigious alumni across the field. The intensive three-week course, organized by the host institution, invites 15 trainees to engage in scientific discovery and skills-based learning. This collaboration would provide your institution with the opportunity to contribute to the development of the next generation of neuroscience researchers. Faculty, from across the field, lead lectures and lab demonstrations that give your institution further visibility, and will create the space for collaboration with researchers across the globe.

In addition to hosting the course, your institution will have the opportunity to further engage with trainees from Latin America and the Caribbean through SfN’s online learning and networking platform, Neuronline. The year-long training program, following the course, includes discussions and webinars on scientific and professional development topics. Your institution would lead two scientific webinars for the online program and have the opportunity to engage with trainees on Neuronline through its discussion forum.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is included below for your consideration:

Latin American Training Program RFP

The deadline to apply is March 11, 2016. We look forward to receiving your application to host a course that will build upon the strong legacy of training in Latin America and the Caribbean. If you have any questions about the RFP, contact Paul Troxell, ptroxell@sfn.org.

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