26 de noviembre de 2021

Workshop on Dreams, Sleep, Emotions and Memory

We are happy to invite you to our workshop on Dreams, Sleep, Emotion and Memory.

You need to register here. The times announced are in Buenos Aires’ time zone (UTC-3): please check here to find the time that corresponds to your geographical location. 

We hope to see you there! 

2nd December

10am-11am  Susanne Diekelmann (Universität Tübingen, Germany): Memory reactivation during sleep.  

11am-12am  Remington Mallett (Northwestern University, US): The cognitive-emotional trajectory of lucid dream experiences.

12pm-13pm  Matthew Newsom (Southern Utah University, US): Dreaming in Berlin: Collective memory, emotion, and selfhood.

3th December

8am-9am     Manuela Kirberg (Monash University, Australia): Re-conceptualising (dream)bizarreness across wakefulness and sleep: Unconstrained memory processes and spontaneous cognition.

10am-11am Caroline Horton (Bishop Grosseteste University, England): Emotion processing and fragmentation of memory sources in sleep and dreams.  

11am-12pm   Adriana Alcaraz Sanchez (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Online study on dreamless sleep experiences: Preliminary results.


Francisco Gallo, Lab Sueño y Memoria, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Melanie Rosen, Department of Philosophy, Trent University, Canada

Marina Trakas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina

This workshop is part of the Seminario mensual “Construyendo puentes entre la Filosofía y la Neurociencia” and is sponsored by the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias

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