25 de abril de 2013

XII Latin American Symposium on Chronobiology

Nos complace anunciar que la SAN auspicia un evento internacional a realizarse en Mendoza, que es organizado por un conjunto de sus socios. A continuación el anuncio del evento:

On behalf of the 2013 Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce the XII Latin American Symposium on Chronobiology that will be held at the Fuente Mayor Hotel, Tunuyán (Mendoza, Argentina), from October 30th through November 1st, 2013.  Please check our website for
frequent updates: https://eventioz.com.ar/lasc2013.

This promises to be a very exciting meeting! LASC has become a meeting point, where scientists within the region get together to share their results, discuss ongoing projects and talk about different
perspectives in the field.

Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to attend a course the day before the meeting (October 29th).  This will be an entire day dedicated to refresh basic concepts on chronobiology, and will take place at the CCT CONICET-Mendoza, in the city of Mendoza.

Registration and abstract submission for the Meeting and registration for the course will run through June 30th, 2013.  Please use our website: https://eventioz.com.ar/lasc2013. After this date, abstract submission will be closed and late registration fees will be applied.

Please note: You must register for the conference and pay your registration fee in order to submit an abstract.

Please distribute this information along your colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you in October.

LASC 2013 Organizing Committee:

Dr. F. Ceriani
Dr. H. de la Iglesia
Dr. D. Golombek
Dr. M. Guido
Dr. E. Muñoz
Ms. Silvina Ceriani

Contact: chronolasc2013@gmail.com

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