12 de abril de 2022

3rd FALAN Congress 2022

Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the 3 rd Congress of the Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies (FALAN) and the XLIII Congress of the Brazilian Society
for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC), which will take place in the Hangar Convention and Fair Center of Amazon in Belém City, Pará, Brazil, from September the 11th to the 14th 2022.
This Congress will bring the most important updates, innovations and discussions through the participation of all invited speakers that will give their contributions to each one of us.
Outstanding speakers as Edvard Moser (Medicine & Physiology Nobel Prize Laureate, 2014), Tracy Bale (Director of the Center for Epigenetic Research in Child Health & Brain Development – CERCH), Rommy Von Bernhardi (Dean Faculty for Health Sciences – University of San Sebastian, Chile), and many others are confirmed!
We expect to bring together approximately 2500 participants in the field of Neuroscience.
The meeting will feature symposia, national and international lectures, and approximately 900 poster presentations in a vast diversity of subjects within Neuroscience. The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Latin American Regional Committee (LARC) is providing strong support.
FALAN 2022 will be held in a hybrid format but we encourage you to make all efforts to participate in person and enjoy all the beauty of the Historic City of Belém do Pará which is the main gate to the Brazilian Amazon and it is also well known abroad for the rich
culture and creative gastronomy.
We look forward to seeing you to share and enjoy an excellent scientific and cultural program!

Francesco M. Rossi
FALAN President

Congress website: falan2022.com.br
Contact: atendimento@pautaeventos.com.br

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