We are seeking a highly motivated doctorate candidate interested in working on the neurobiology of vocal learning in birds. My lab utilizes genetic techniques to study the biological basis of song-learning and to manipulate brain circuits that control singing behavior. For this we use state-of- the-art technologies such as genome editing (CRISPR), transgenesis, and live-brain imaging using mini-scopes. Experience and interest in molecular neuroscience, cell culture, and animal behavior are preferred. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Prof o Tarciso Velho PhD at velhot@neuro.ufrn.br or velhot@caltech.edu.
Beca doctoral FONCyT disponible asociada a PICT Radicación
Buscamos egresados/as de carreras de grado afines a la investigación en Neurociencias, con ganas de incorporarse al proyecto para el desarrollo de una formación doctoral. Tema de estudio El objetivo del proyecto es esclarecer los mecanismos implicados a la aparición de conductas tipo