12 de noviembre de 2018

NEURO2019/Niigata, Japan from July 25 to 28, 2019 – Call for Travel Award Application

 A joint meeting of the 42nd Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society and the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (Neuro2019) will be held at Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan from July 25 to 28, 2019. Travel Awards to enthusiastic leading non-Japanese investigators traveling from abroad are offered to present high quality papers at the meeting. Applications of young principal investigators and senior postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged. The funding for travel will be between 40,000-150,000 JPY per award depending on the travel distance. The awardees will also be exempt from the registration fee of the meeting.

Here’s some more information regarding the Travel Award and Neuro2019:


– Neuro2019, under the theme of “Brain Science Takes Flight: Bridging the Mind and Life”, provides a unique opportunity to forge closer links between researchers in different fields and to develop next-generation neuroscientists endowed with a wide perspective.

– English is an official language used at all sessions. We expect approximately 4,000 participants, including 400 people from overseas.

– The Annual Meeting promotes interaction with relevant professional neuroscience societies in neighboring Asia-Pacific countries, the United States and Europe by organizing joint symposia and providing a financial assistance program to cover the travel costs.

– The Annual Meeting aims at fostering young scientists and promoting collaboration across the globe and various scientific fields including clinical neuroscience.

– The Meeting will be held at Toki Messe.



– Travel awardees will receive a partial support for traveling expenses between 40,000-150,000 JPY per award depending on the travel distance and a free accommodation in Niitaga for 4 nights (from July 24th, a single room in a budget hotel).

– The meeting registration and banquet fees are waived.

– Travel Award candidates are invited to the International Exchange Meeting for Young Researchers, a get-together party to be held on the day before the Annual Meeting to facilitate interaction among young researchers from abroad and Japan.

– Travel Award candidates are also invited to a reception during the Annual Meeting.


– Awardees will receive the award cash at the meeting venue in Japanese yen.

– Accommodation at a designated hotel from July 24 (check-in) to 28 (check-out; totally 4 nights) will only be covered. Recipients must bear all expenses if they stay at hotels of their own choice or stay extra nights.

– “The International Exchange Meeting for Young Researchers” is a mandatory event.

This meeting will be held on July 24, 2019 around 17 o’clock. So please make sure to have sufficient time to travel from the near airport to the venue.

– Candidates who do not attend the entire Annual Meeting and do not make a presentation will have their award revoked.

The Travel Award Application: https://neuro2019.jnss.org/en/travel_award.html

PDF file for the announcement of the Travel Award: 2019 Call for Travel Award Application Flyer

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